A no-fly zone and safe enclave for the Kurds and other ethnicities in northern Syria


We believe in a political solution via dialog and negotiation between the representatives of the Syrian ethnic groups. We presume that the immediate solution is the creation of a no-fly zone and safe enclave by the international community in northern Syria. This will also help the final result of the Syrian political crises.

A no-fly zone and safe enclave for the Kurds and other ethnicities in northern Syria


We observed that neither the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) nor The People’s Protection Units (YPG) attacked Turkey before January 18, 2018, when Turkey started an assault on the Kurdish Afrin canton inside the Syrian border.

We have witnessed that the SDF has been the most effective force against the terrorist organization, the Islamic State (ISIS), and the most reliable ally of the West in the war against  ISIS.

The Democratic Federation of Northern Syria, where the Kurds and other ethnicities participate in a democratically elected administration in northern and northeast Syria, has been a safe enclave for many other Syrians who fled to the area. Afrin has been a stable and democratically ruled region, and with little international aid, has taken hundreds of thousands of refugees since 2012.

According to many sources, Turkey was one of the main sponsors of ISIS. Now, Turkey is attacking the Afrin self-rule canton in the name of self-defense and Turkish national security. Allies in the offense are Turkish-supported rebel groups, and among them, there are Islamic jihadists, such as The Nusra Front and other al-Qaeda-related factions.

Turkey has violated international law, as it uses force against the territorial integrity of Syria (UN Charter article 2 (4)) without any clear evidence that verifies an offense by SDF or YPG. Thus, Turkey does not have any rationale that justifies a self-defense action (Article 51). The administration of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria has frequently stated that it has no interest in Turkey. Their only wish is to defend the people inside the federation.

After the attack on Afrin, which is supported by warplane and heavy artilleries, the situation is worsening. Many civilians have been killed and among them are many children. Turkey will destroy the Kurdish self-rule in Afrin, and the people are under the threat of war crimes—crimes against humanity and genocide.

Why let the repetition of the Kobane or Aleppo massacre and destruction continue? Even if the Kurdish self-rule does not have international recognition, the people of Afrin and northern Syria have the right to be protected against destruction and massacre. The attack on Afrin is an obvious violation of international law and aggression against an elected democratic administration and its population. Where are the human rights of the people inside the Afrin canton?

If the powers that have control over Syria do not stop the Turkish aggression, we will see more destruction and man-made disasters in the Syrian civil war. This will be another betrayal of the international community.

Finally, the Syrian Army and the Iranian militia are also another threat to the democratic rule in northeast Syria. This civil war is far from over.

We believe in a political solution via dialog and negotiation between the representatives of the Syrian ethnic groups. We presume that the immediate solution is the creation of a no-fly zone and safe enclave by the international community in northern Syria. This will also help the final result of the Syrian political crises.

We, human rights activists, writers and academics demand a protection of the population in northern Syria by a creation of a no-fly-zone and safe area in northern Syria.



  1. Ali Mahmoud  Mohammad , Human Rights Activist  and writer,  Erbil, Iraq
  2. Kurdish Organizations Network – 365 Civil Organization
  3. Shireen Ridha, Engineer, Erbil, Iraq
  4. Mohamad Hozhabri, Sulaimani
  5. Keyhan Mohammad Aliyan, Human Rights Activist, Netherlands
  6. Goran Adham lawyer, Sulaimanyah-Kurdistan
  7. Omar Kheder Omar, Employee, Sulaimaniyah-Kurdistan
  8. Rebin fatah journalist, Erbil,Iraq
  9. Hiva Zahedi, Human Rights Activist, Nice-France
  10. Karim Rahimi, Bioengineer, Oslo, Norway
  11. Salar Sanahmad biyaraiy, journalist, Sulaimaniyah
  12. Edris Moradi , Politik Activist , Swizerland
  13. Hersh Nuri Faqe, Activist,Germany,Munich
  14. Pshtewan zangana, Human Rights Activist , London, UK
  15. Ardalan Lateef A.Qader, PhD student, Russia
  16. Hasan Ahmad, journalist,Villach, Austria
  17. Mahmoud Otman.Writer, Netherlands
  18. Niyaz Abdulla, Journalist, Erbil- Kurdistan
  19. Karza hameed – jounralist , Erbil, KRG
  20. Ibrahim A ameen – lawyer , Erbil – Kurdistan
  21. Safin Ahmed-engineering-slemani
  22. Nariman rashid, Mechanical, Sweden
  23. Bakir Haji ,lower, Germany
  24. Sarwar Penjweni – Islamicist – Sulaimaniyah-Kurdistan-Iraq
  25. Hero M Adhem , Human Rights Activist, Lyon, France
  26. Fatah Khalil Zaxoiy, Former Minister, – Sulaimaniyah-Kurdistan-Iraq
  27. Fuad Mustafa –Engineer, Erbil-Iraq
  28. Qasim Marzani, University Lecturer, salahaddin University, Erbil
  29. Rebin umer . Lawyer -Erbil-Kurdistan
  30. Redar muhammad /pease generations network- PGN /Erbil
  31. Saeed M Ameen Saeed, Sociologist.. Erbil
  32. Ayub Faek, Human Rights Activist, Canada Vancouver
  33. Amal Jalal, politic activist sul, Sulaimaniyah
  34. Ahmad Shwan . , Human Rights Activist, Stockholm –Sweden
  35. Ardalan Yassin – Resident in Sydney-Australia An artist & political activist
  36. Diar Khalil Aziz, Human Rights Activist, Erbil, Kurdistan
  37. Abdulla salih – politic activist – london uk
  38. Ali Hussein , Human Rights Activist ,Germany ,Kiel
  39. Saman Suleiman Adelaide,  Australia
  40. Ranjdar Grawy, political activist, Bruxelles,Belgium
  41. Bahman Omer, Journalist ,Deutschland kisslegg
  42. Dana Halabjaiy . Journalist , The Netherlands
  43. Sardar Abdulla Hama, politic activist,canada
  44. Nasir Taha Sulaiman, Human Rights Activist , Aalborg _Danmark
  45. Bayan Baki ,Psychology, Netherlands
  46. Mohammed H. Tofiq / Sulaimaniya / Writer
  47. Ali Badai , Engineer, Netherlands
  48. Mohammad Ahmadpour, Human Rights Activist,  Sweden
  49. Dilshad Khoshnaw journalist, – Sulaimaniyah
  50. Majid dilnya, writer, Deutschland
  51. Ronak Shwani, Writer, Sweden
  52. Ali Abdulla, Human Rights Activist ,Deutschland, Wuppertal
  53. Korosh Dadmihir , Human Rights Activist, Manchester, UK
  54. Mohammed kamal taha, Human Rights Activist ,kurdistan
  55. Taher Rahem , Human Rights Activist, Deutschland
  56. Mudhafer Hamza economical,Switzerland
  57. Baxtyar Majid Muhammad , Polic , Kirkuk
  58. Abdulrehman Rasul – Author and Journalist –France
  59. Mahdi Namiq Kareem,Teacher ,Erbil
  60. Hiwa Said Salim, Journalist, Erbil-kurdistan
  61. Rebin Rasul Esmail, writer, Koln, Germany
  62. Azad gharib, Journalist/kirkuk
  63. Ahmad Fathulla Ahmad,PhD student, Erbil-IRAQ
  64. Hawraman WeriyQanie,slemani,teacher
  65. Rebin Sabah / lawyer. Erbil kutdistan
  66. Jalal Rostam ,Worker , Helsinki Finland
  67. Sherko Sdeeq ,English teacher – kirkuk
  68. Lezma goran, Journalist, Erbil-kurdistan
  69. Tanya muhammad, karkuk;social worker
  70. Sirwan Hussen . Math Supervisor. Kirkuk.
  71. Kader Maulud, Theodor_Heuss str 18. 51149 Koln, Germany
  72. Koyar Rawf United Kingdom human right activist
  73. Allan Hassaniyan, EX4 9EA, Exeter, UK, PhD Researcher
  74. Muhammed Amin Kayrulla, self-employed, Germany
  75. Abbas Hassan , Human Rights Activist,Ulgvænget 13, 4623 Lille Skensved, Danmark
  76. Abubakir sabir ,Human Rights Activist ,Germany ESSEN
  77. Jeger Karas, Human Rights Activist, Kurdistan Erbil
  78. Mhamadamin Abdulla Rasul – Peshmarga, Ranya- Kuridstan
  79. Lezan Reshid Magdid, Unemployed, Erbil-Kurdistan
  80. Goran Abdullah,Self Employed,Toronto-Canada
  81. Zardasht Kawa/ student, Erbil
  82. Nabaz Shorash, shop owner, Denmark
  83. Safin Khoshnaw, Medical laboratory technician,Oslo, Norway
  84. Kader Nader ,Human Rights Activist – Sweden
  85. Ali Qarani, Teacher, Erbil-Kurdistan
  86. Lukman Mustafa Abdullah, taxi driver, Danmark
  87. Nawzad Marouf, Civil Engineer, Roskilde, Danmark
  88. Ayar Baki, Lawyer ,Sweden
  89. Goran Halabjai , Journalist, Danmark ,
  90. Shakar Ali , a survivors of Anfal, Netherland
  91. Jamal mohammed ,, worker, Sweden
  92. Azeez Hakeem Ali Azeez,Mitglied der Nationalen Union der kurdischen Beziehungen,
    Lübeck, Deutschland
  93. Dr Mohammad Kayani Former Member of Iraqi Parliament
  94. Rizgary Party of Kurdistan
  95. Aso Omar mosa, Human Rights Activist, Norge
  96. Fakhradin Garmiany, Writer, Australia
  97. Aso hakim Abdullah,optometrist,Koysenjaq, Erbil, Iraq
  98. Darsim peshawa,Writer,danmark
  99. Handren Hawrami, Journalist, Belgium,
  100. Jalal chwartayii, ,Journalist,Nederlands
  101. Chrw Sabr Aziz. Human Rights Activist, Erbil
  102. Azad Karim Civilingeneer Mjöverdq18; 45195 Uddevalla, Sweden
  103. Ahmad Majid, victims of survivors Anfal, Kalar-Kurdistan
  104. Rasul Husin, Human Rights Activist, Erbil
  105. Rzgar bora, Human Rights Activist, Erbil
  106. Nawgul Ismail, Engineer, Kokkedal, Danmark
  107. Pishtiuan Khadir Shoresh, Former Peshmerga, Bonn, Germany
  108. Shnow Hamad , radiologist, UK
  109. Hemn Haseb, Journalist, Kirkuk
  110. Yassin Kareem Abdullah, Writer, Slimanyah,
  111. Aso Faqe, Human Rights Activist, Oslo, Norway
  112. Ghazi Yacoob, Helsinki, Finland
  113. Berivan Rashwani, Sweden
  114. Rebaz Hashm Mustefa, Human Rights Activist
  115. Taha suliman, journalist, Vancouver, Canada
  116. Awesta Sinan, Aarhus, Denmark
  117. Jamil Shwani, Human Rights Activist, Espergærde, Danmark
  118. Diman Ahmad, employee, Køge, Danmark
  119. Sami Osman Ahmed, Teacher, Malmö, Sweden
  120. Faraidum Hamarashid, Writer, Switzerland
  121. Hama Hassan, Prestwich, Manchester, UK
  122. Kosrat Ahmad, Teacher, Human Rights Activist, Erbil-Kurdistan
  123. Dr. Faiq Muhamad Ahmad, doctor, Slemani-Kurdistan
  124. Ahmed jaf, Copenhagen-Danmark
  125. Aso Aref, Stockholm, Sweden
  126. Adalat Omar, Erbil-Kuristan
  127. Smko Sabir Sharif, Human rights acitivist, Garmian-Kurdistan
  128. Omar Faris Aziz Omar Faris Aziz, CEO/Founder, www.kurdistannet.org
  129. Sarwin Rashwani , Australia
  130. Kamal Mawloodi
  131. Riyadh Kakeshin, Texas-USA
  132. Pshtiwan Mohamad, Copenhagen, Danmark
  133. Weria salim nabi, Bagartorpsringen 62, 17065 Solna, Sweden
  134. Abdulla Alaskari, Vancouver, Canada
  135. Krmanj Awena, Hawler, Kurdistan
  136. Zaher Amen, Human Rights Activist, Kirkuk
  137. Ahmed Barzinji, Lawyer, Kokkedal- Danmark
  138. Darya sharah, Helsingborg, Sweden
  139. Salam gomashiny, Sweden
  140. Rostam Serxel
  141. Daban saleh, Sweden
  142. Aram  Mohammadyan
  143. Ahmad Hassan, former Peshmarga, Erbil-Kurdistan
  144. Mahdi Jaf
  145. Taher Rahem Daudi sahir, Germany
  146. Yousef Mantk, Journalist, Germany
  147. Meriwan Zendy, former Peshmarga, Erbil-Kuridstan
  148. Osman HAawramy, medic employee, Halabja-Kurditsan
  149. Saleh Ismail, Wuppertal, Deutschland
  150. Bakhtyar Karim, Erbil
  151. Dr. Hawre zangana, writer and social-psycologist
  152. Jange Mahamad, Hawler-Kurdistan
  153. Shakhawan Shorsh, Cand.scient.pol, Køge, Danmark